Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Enhance Firefox Browser Tab Feature With Tabberwocky Add-ons

Browser Tab feature is an excellent creation that really enhances users’ internet browsing experience by allowing multiple web pages in the same browser Windows without the need to open many browser Windows at the same time. That is one of the reasons many users switched over from Internet Explorer to Firefox before IE incorporated the useful feature into its IE7. If you are a tab browsing lover when surfing the internet, Tabberwocky, a Firefox add-on that lets you have more control over your tab feature is something you can look into.

Tabberwocky is a free and light Firefox extension which offers users various options to control the tab feature. For instance, users can set the tab behaviour, modify the size of the tab to their preferred width, choose to show a progress bar on each tab instead of in statusbar, protect tab, lock tab, have multiple rows of tab, etc. With Tabberwocky add-ons, users can customize further the tab feature and fully capitalize it for more user friendly internet browsing experience.

Below is a summary of Tabberwocky’s features and options:

  • Duplicate Tab, Protect Tab, Lock Tab (menu items and keyboard shortcuts)
  • Tab Progress Bars
  • Multiple-Row Tab Bar
  • Open in new tabs from Bookmarks, History, URL Bar, and/or Search Bar
  • Open Selected Links in New Tabs
  • Retain tab history when opening links in new tabs
  • Show/Hide New Tab button and Close Tab buttons
  • Highlight unread tabs
  • Set minimum/maximum tab width
  • Close tabs by double-clicking on them
  • Tab clicking options
  • Open tabs to the right of current tab
  • Open tabs from links to the right of current tabs (Firefox 3.6+)
  • Switch to last selected tab or tab on the left when closing a tab
  • Menu items for opening links in foreground/background tabs
  • Open script-generated windows in tabs instead
--I just read this on

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